Don’t Let Our Charter Schools Become Something From Memories Past
If you have not heard yet, AB 1316, a bill that if passed will decimate our state’s charter schools and put new restrictions on our...

Memorial Day Activities & Events: Honoring Our Fallen Heroes
Memorial Day was first celebrated a year after the end of the Civil War, which claimed more lives than any conflict in U.S. history and...

Memorial Day Crafts & Learning Links
Red Poppies: The Remembrance Flower - History & Craft You can honor the fallen this Memorial Day by wearing a red poppy, otherwise known...

Homeschool 1-on-1 Series Update: College Sessions, Cathy Duffy, Wild Math, Rainbow Resource & More!!
We're into the second full month of our Homeschool 1-on-1 Live Virtual Webinar series. It's been super exciting and inspirational to...

Homeschool 1-on-1: Cathy Duffy Reviews - Live Webinar from Wednesday, June 9, 2021
We were honored to have had the opportunity to host Cathy Duffy, the author and creator of Cathy Duffy Reviews on Wednesday, June 9,...

Homeschool 1-on-1: Wild Learning, Wild Math & the brand new Wild Reading! - from Tues 6/29/21
We were absolutely thrilled to have the opportunity to host Rachel Tidd, the author, and creator of Wild Learning, the new home of Wild...

Homeschool 1-on-1: University of the People
We invite you to watch the video of our recorded webinar from Tuesday, May 25, 2021, to learn more about UoPeople's online, tuition-free...

Homeschool 1-on-1: Rainbow Resource
We were bursting with pure homeschool joy about having the opportunity to host Rainbow Resource Center live. Rainbow Resource Center has...

Legislation Take Action - Grassroots Volunteer Gatherings
We are so thankful that you have come forward to volunteer to help our community better oppose AB 1316. If you have not yet filled out...

Homeschool 1-on-1 with Colleges That Change Lives
(please note this is purely an opinion piece - a passionate, but a genuine one. No financial incentive or compensation was offered to the...