Last Minute THREAT to Independent Study
It looks like our legislators are still working out the State Budget and they are including additional changes to independent study....

Preparing To Lead - Run for Office
Are you sick of our political leaders making decisions that do not fit the needs of your family? Tired of fighting all of these...

CDE Prepping Changes to Independent Study by Executive Pressure Rather Than Legislation?
Last week I was trying to research exactly how many schools in our state will be impacted if our Governor is successful in negotiating...

Newsom Budget Bill- The New Threat to all Independent Study Programs Across the State
As part of Governor Newsom’s May Budget Revision he is proposing a rewrite of the 1976 legislation authorizing independent study (IS)....

Don’t Let Our Charter Schools Become Something From Memories Past
If you have not heard yet, AB 1316, a bill that if passed will decimate our state’s charter schools and put new restrictions on our...

Legislation Take Action - Grassroots Volunteer Gatherings
We are so thankful that you have come forward to volunteer to help our community better oppose AB 1316. If you have not yet filled out...

Oppose AB 1316 and Support SB 593
This week we are focusing on asking our Assembly Members to please oppose AB 1316 (O'Donnell) and instead support SB 593 (Glazer). SB 593...

Save Our Charter Schools
It is imperative that we come together to help protect the charter schools that make it possible for our students to have access to so...

URGENT UPDATE ON AB 1316- San Diego DA’s Office Withdraws its support of AB 1316
Good morning and happy Friday! I have kind of complicated instructions for you all to follow to help us oppose AB 1316. If you need any...

Please Oppose AB 1316 Now- Our Representatives AREN'T Hearing From Enough Of Us
Haven't heard of AB 1316, read up now. Ready to take action? Watch our Easy "How to" Guide for tips and encouragement! If you are...