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Assemblymember O'Donnell Blocks Public Comment- Our Voices Must Be Heard

Assemblymember Patrick O’Donnell recently introduced new language in a bill, AB 1316. If this bill passes as written, the charter schools that serve our students will be forever damaged. Patrick O’Donnell is the chair of the California Assembly Education Committee and he has been actively limiting and blocking public comment during his Assembly Committee sessions. His blocking of public comment makes it much harder for us to oppose this bill as it moves through the legislative process.

We have to start to take action NOW by calling and messaging our local Assembly Members to let them know that we are not being given the opportunity to speak during the Assembly Education Committee hearings and that our only option is to contact them and ask them to speak up for us in Opposition of AB 1316. - We have to seriously flood their offices with our calls for the next few weeks.

You can find your Assembly Member’s contact info using this form.

When you call their offices it is okay if you speak to one of your Assemblymember's staff members. Please share with them that you are calling because you desperately need their help. Then share your concerns with them.

Share the fact that we are being blocked during the Assembly Education Committee Hearings and ask them for their help in getting your opposition heard in the committee hearing this Wednesday, April 28, 2021.

Let them know that your children are enrolled in a non-classroom-based charter school and that AB 1316 will close or cripple their school.

Ask them to oppose the bill and to advocate with O’Donnell’s office that he allow for public comment during his committee hearings.

Assemblymember Patrick O’Donnell represents the 70th District, which includes Long Beach, San Pedro, Signal Hill, and Catalina Island. We must also flood his local and Capitol offices with calls, letters, and messages sharing our disappointment, asking for him to allow us to speak and if you reside in his distrcit be sure to let them know that you will not be voting for him again.

Contact info for Patrick O’Donnell

Capitol Office

State Capitol P.O. Box 942849 Room 4001 Sacramento, CA 94249-0070 Tel: (916) 319-2070 Fax: (916) 319-2170

Long Beach Office

5000 E. Spring Street, Suite 550 Long Beach CA 90815 Tel: (562) 429-0470 Fax: (562) 429-7871

San Pedro Office

461 W Sixth Street #209 San Pedro, CA 90731 Tel: (310) 548-6420 Fax: (310) 548-4160

O’Donnell’s Contact Form for use by residents of his Assembly District only.

You can also post on Social Media about him blocking the public.

Social Media Tags

Twitter: @AsmPatODonnell Facebook: @AssemblymemberPatrickODonnell

After you contact your Assemblymember and O'Donnell, please contact the Assembly Rules Committee to ask that they help to ensure that O'Donnell allows the public to comment during his Assembly Education Committee Hearings.

You can call the Rules Committee Office: (916) 319-2800.

You can call each member of the Rules Committee, phone numbers can be found here.

If you post to social media please also include the following hashtags for our community grassroots movement:

Facebook and Instagram Tag: @LegislationTakeAction

Twitter Tag: @LegislationA

Connect with us for updates:

@LegislationTakeAction on Facebook

@LegislationTakeAction on Instagram

Please consider donating to help us continue to support school choice for all students through charter schools, private schools and homeschooling!

Thank you for your support of our children and charter schools.


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