Homeschool Concierge has set up a new series of affordable & fun Virtual Field Trip Adventures for April!!
We're proud to announce the launch of our Virtual Field Trip Adventures series this Spring!! All of our virtual field trips are live, professional webinars presented by quality museums, state parks, and other educational institutions that offer virtual field trips to schools and educational groups.
These live webinars are hosted by Homeschool Concierge staff in our virtual classroom where attendees come together as a group! We will meet up 15 minutes before the presentation to say hello and chat, stay together through the webinar and remain together for 15 minutes after the webinar presentation to discuss and wrap up.
Homeschool Concierge staff will share any educational links during the virtual field trip that the presenter has shared. In addition, we provide unique educational links and resources that our staff curate, or in some instances create from scratch!
Our goal in hosting trips this way is to provide a way for students and parents to connect and experience virtual field trips with other homeschoolers rather than being lone participants in the virtual field trip space. In addition to the time before and after the webinar presentation, the FB event page will remain open as a way for participants to connect and discuss, share links, ask questions, and chat.
We hope that this format of experiencing virtual field trips can create a small group who get to know each other by attending several of our virtual field trips together. We've made our trips very affordable: $1.99 - $2.99 per device! If you sign-up a week or less before the trip it's $1.99, closer to the trip the price goes up to $2.99. Share with your friends, and sign up early!! The more, the merrier!!
Tuesday, April 6, 2021 @ 10:45 AM - 12:15 AM
Farm to You! Live Webinar presented by CA Dairy Council (ages 5+)

Did you know that the Dairy Council of California's Mobile Dairy Classroom is the original “farm to school” program in California, bringing the farm experience to students to teach agricultural literacy since the 1930s?
Their virtual tours are guided by a Mobile Dairy Classroom Instructor and run 45-minutes, teaching students about farm life while covering a variety of lessons. Each tour provides an introduction to dairy cows covering the anatomy of a cow, the journey of milk, milk production, and more.
We will also take students on a virtual tour of a working California dairy farm where they have an opportunity to engage with a real dairy farmer.
As they explore the farm, students will see how dairy cows are fed and milked, learn how farmers care for their herds, and discover the numerous sustainability measures farms utilize in addition to traditional upcycling practices.
Each farm tour concludes with an interactive Q&A session, which provides students with the opportunity to ask questions.
Register for this event on our Facebook Events page HERE! Registration is only $1.99 per device!
Thursday, April 15, 2021 @ 12:45 PM - 2:15 PM
Horses to Horsepower! (age 6+) Presented by the CA State Railroad Museum

The California State Railroad Museum Presents Horses to Horsepower!
Hop on board one of our virtual Horses to Horsepower programs to experience what it was like to build the nation’s first Transcontinental Railroad more than 150 years ago! Your conductor will escort you to five different stations located throughout the California State Railroad Museum. Discover how Transcontinental Railroad reduced travel time, inspired innovation, encouraged western settlement, and enabled California’s agriculture industry to grow. The Transcontinental Railroad changed life in America forever!
Join a California State Railroad Museum Guide and Q&A Chat Moderator for a live, interactive, and personalized Zoom program of our popular Horses to Horsepower program for 4th grade.*
*While this program is designed for 4th grade it is up to each parent to decide what their child is interested in and able to participate in. Participation is optional with all virtual learning adventures, no students or families will be pressured to ask questions or speak live.
Register for this event on our Facebook Events page HERE! Registration is only $1.99 until April 8th and then goes up to $2.99 per device!
Human Impacts on the Delicate Web of Life at Lake Tahoe (ages 8+)
Thursday, May 6, 2021, @ 12:45 PM - 2:15 PM

Discover the links of a food web in an alpine environment at Sugar Pine Point State Park in Lake Tahoe, and learn how each link connects to one another. Students will see how they are linked to this delicate web of life, and how the roles humans play can have significant positive and negative impacts on our environment.
Register for this event on our Facebook Events page HERE! Registration is only $1.99 - $2.99 per device!
Monday, May 17, 2021 @ 8:45 AM - 10:15 AM
Discovering the Oceano Dunes! (ages 7+)

Students are invited to join State Park Interpreters for a LIVE! video conference webinar from the Oceano Dunes SVRA (State Vehicular Recreation Area). Students will learn about the coastal sand dune habitat, animal adaptations, and endangered species! The California State Parks system created this event specifically for 4th-6th grades but this program can be enjoyed by many grades/ages!! You as the homeschool parent know best what your child would be interested in.
Register for this event on our Facebook Events page HERE! Registration is only $1.99- $2.99 per device!
If you have any virtual field trip requests for us to consider booking, or you're interested in having us host affordable virtual field trips for your family or your homeschool group, please let us know! Contact us at info@homeschoolconcierge.com