Our hearts go out to all of the families who have been impacted by the California fires and we have been touched by the outpouring of love and support we have seen from our community in helping the victims.
Families have been looking for ways to help so we have pulled together this list of options to help support fire victims.

American Red Cross is a not-for-profit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to perform its mission.
They have multiple ways to help those affected by the California wildfires:
By phone: calling 1- 800-RED CROSS
By text: text REDCROSS to 90999 to give $10 to American Red Cross Disaster Relief, which helps people affected by disasters such as hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, wildfires and tornadoes.
By US Post: To donate by mail, please download and complete the check donation form. Mail your form and check payable to American Red Cross to them at: American Red Cross PO Box 37839 Boone, IA 50037-0839
Donations enable the Red Cross to prepare for, respond to and help people recover from disasters.

The California Community Foundation Wildfire Relief Fund supports intermediate and long-term recovery efforts for major California wildfires, as well as preparedness efforts. Since the Wildfire Relief Fund opened in 2003, they have raised $5 million to support relief and recovery efforts in the aftermath of devastating California wildfires.
To make a secure, tax-deductible donation online, click on the button below. You may also send checks payable to the California Community Foundation, noting that the donation is for the Wildfire Relief Fund. Checks should be mailed to California Community Foundation 221 S. Figueroa St., Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90012

Direct Relief responds each year to wildfires throughout the Western U.S., including the series of devastating fires burning in its home state of California.
Direct Relief is providing N-95 masks, medicine, and other resources to healthcare agencies and first responders in wildfire-affected communities across California.
Donations can be made online here.

CNN Impact Your World, Aid Victims of the California Wildfires program is collecting donations to support seven organizations who are on the ground helping, including The Community Foundation Sonoma County, Convoy of Hope, Direct Relief and more.
Donations can be made online here.

California Fire Foundation’s , Supplying Aid to Victims of the Emergency (SAVE) program provides emergency short-term financial assistance to fire and natural disaster victims. Through SAVE, front-line firefighters in California provide gift cards, in the amount of $100, to eligible victims of fires or other natural disasters so they may purchase basic necessities such as food, clothing or medicine.
You can donate to SAVE online here.

Is a nonprofit organization that helps firefighters and other emergency workers battling California wildfires. One of its beneficiaries is the Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation, which provides hydration backpacks for firemen and night vision goggles for helicopter pilots. Another beneficiary provides meals for emergency workers and evacuees staying in shelters.
Donate to EIF’s Fire Relief Fund, and together we can make a positive impact in the communities that need it most.

The Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation supports the first responders fighting on the front lines of the wildfires. They provide vital private funding for LAFD where the city’s budget ends. They are currently requesting donations to put towards hydration backpacks for the firefighters.
Donations are taken online here.

Southern California Disaster Relief Fund is a joint effort created by the United Way of Greater Los Angeles, in partnership with United Way of Ventura County, to help low- income individuals and families affected by the Hill and Woolsey Fires.
Please support our economically vulnerable neighbors by making a donation today to assist with their recovery.
Donate by texting "2018fires" to 41444.
Donate Online here.

The Foundation assists the Department’s emergency response and disaster relief efforts through its Noah’s Legacy fund by providing supplies, training, and equipment to support these activities. These services are critical to the communities served by the department as it continues to rescue animals from wildfires, flooding, earthquakes, and man-made disasters.
Please consider making a special donation today to the Noah’s Legacy Fund.
By mail:
The Los Angeles County Animal Care Foundation at
P.O. Box 100515,
Pasadena, CA 91189-0515
Please specify the Noah’s Legacy Fund in your contribution.

The HSVC is accepting dogs, cats, horses or other domesticated animals who have been evacuated and are in need of sanctuary for dogs, cats, horses or other domesticated animals.
They have increased their capacity in preparation for this year’s fire season and fully staffed ready to handle the care of all animals brought to their Shelter in Ojai. They have many ways we can help, you can read them here.

Is a non-profit organization and the largest all-foster rescue group in the Bay Area. They are asking for help with supporting the needs of animals in the Paradise and Chico fire areas. They have animals arriving who have been evacuated from the local shelters to make room for the new arrivals. They are also providing financial support for animal burn victims in the area so that they can stay local and be treated immediately.
There are many homeschool families and teachers serving our families through local charter schools who have been impacted by the fires and many who have lost their homes. We are thankful that the schools with impacted families have set up ways for us to help.
Ways to help those from our homeschool community who have been impacted:
Inspire Charter Schools has teachers, one Family Liaison, and 50 families who have lost their homes to the fires. Inspire has set up two fundraising campaigns through GoFundMe to help their staff and families who have been affected. Â
If you would like to make a donation to help out these homeschool community members you can do so below.
To help Inspire STAFF who have lost their homes click here. If you are a family enrolled at Inspire Charter Schools and you have instructional funds that you do not plan to use, you can now donate them back to a fund at Inspire to help families who have lost their homes and all of their school supplies. Inspire has set up a survey to collect these instructional funds so they can be used to buy replacement items for impacted families right away.
Inspire enrolled families who wish to donate funds back please use this form to let the school know how much you want to offer.
Families at Pathways Charter School have lost their homes. To register to make a donation, please contact Sara Jordan at sara.jordan@pathwayscharter.org or visit the donation page here.
South Sutter IEM Charter School which serves homeschool families in Northern California has families and teachers who are displaced and who have lost their homes. They have provided ways that we can come together as a community to help these families. You can read their letter to see how you can help.