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Call to Action MUSD

This week we need homeschoolers from all over and from all homeschool paths to please come together to defend their fellow homeschoolers within the Morongo Unified School District (MUSD).

Families in this area have been trying for quite a few months to schedule a workshop with the MUSD Board to discuss their needs for educational options and school choice. PSA families have been sent overbearing letters each year from the district, and this past year the MUSD superintendent was successful in getting Inspire Charter Schools to stop serving students in their district.

If this district is able to get away with this now, what will their next move be? What if other districts follow their lead?

Families finally had a meeting scheduled last week with two of the board members (Proudfoot and Chlebik) these are the two who have been most open to hearing families concerns and their proposal for the much-needed board workshop. If they were able to meet with at least two board members they could share preliminary information with them to take back to the other board members but they found out this past week that it seems that their most helpful contact on the board was pushed out, sighting in his resignation letter "he was unable to work with the other Morongo Unified Board members".

We are asking that you please take a few moments to send an email to the MUSD Board Members asking them to fulfill their duty to the families in their district and schedule a meeting.

Please click here to send an email, we have prepared a draft but if you prefer you can delete our draft and write your own message.


If you are composing your own letter, we recommend sending it to the following addresses:

and CC'ing


Thank you for helping us stand united in protecting our rights to choose the best educational path for our children.


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