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Educational Therapy by Cynthia Hansen, M. Ed., ET/P - Ventura, CA

Cindy Hansen offers educational therapy to students with complex learning profiles, including those with gifted traits, dyslexia, ADHD (slow processing speed, poor working memory, disorganization), and low motivation.

Applying a strength-based approach that acknowledges the socio-emotional weight that often accompanies learning differences, the student is mentored to identify desired areas of growth and to create new tools and life-long strategies for learning.

Cindy also assists parent-teachers to adjust their curriculum choices and build portfolios that reveal the true abilities of the child or teen in the academic areas of reading, vocabulary development (Structured Word Inquiry), writing, social studies, and K-7 math and science.

Cindy is an award-winning educator of gifted and talented students with learning difficulties (2e) and holds three CA teaching credentials.

For more information please contact Cindy Hansen,

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