I'm Ric Ilejay Owner and Music Director of N' Rhythm Music Center. I've been serving the Antelope Valley for over 20 years teaching Guitar, Bass, Drums,Piano/Keyboard,Vocals Ukulele and Audio Digital Recording. Having two concerts a year students of all ages get a chance to put what they have learned into a live performance I call N' Rhythm Jam Concerts as seen in the picture above of my students.
Over 40 of my students have graduated from the Musicians Institute Hollywood, LA Music Academy Pasadena, Berklee School of Music Boston,Cal Stat Univ. Northridge, Cal State Univ. Fullerton and Julliard School of Music New York. N' Rhythm Music keeping the Highest Level of Learning a priority. You gotta get "N' Rhythm" baby!
For more information please contact Richard Llejay, nrhythmmusiccenter@hotmail.com, 661-947-5253