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* Sold Out * STAR Eco Station w/Inspire Westside HST Team

November 9, 2017

Noon - 2PM

$6 pp

10101 Jefferson Blvd Culver City, CA 90232

Come join the Inspire Westside HST Team and Family Liaison on a community fieldtrip to the STAR Eco Station. All Ages. Open to all homeschoolers! Invite friends! Throughout the field trip, students learn about the latest developments in environmental protection and the ways in which wildlife interact with various ecosystems, embodying the STAR Eco Station mission of "preservation through education". The students also receive an up-close and hands-on experience with our rescued exotic wildlife, including tortoises, pythons, alligators, parrots, arachnids, lizards, and maybe even some small furry friends! The tour includes different environmental exhibits that showcase ways that students can help protect animals in the wild.

Tk -12th Grade. One family per purchase.

To contact the organizer Rachael Sullivan, (310) 391-7807

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