The Rhinos Rugby Academy is the elite youth rugby program of the Rhinos Rugby Crash (rhinosrugbycrash.com). Rhinos Rugby was started in 2013 as a local Orange County rugby club by passionate rugby players and dads who dreamed to do better than the status quo for their kids and the game, and teach them life skills and provide college opportunities through the sport.
The immediate and huge success of the club created a responsibility to evolve the program to teach and promote the game and skills at international standards, while continuing to help the kids learn real core values about both rugby and life, such a respect, honor, discipline, integrity, teamwork and accountability.
The Rhinos Academy was thus created in 2014. We offer kids rugby opportunities beyond club level, and we help develop and nurture them into young adults with character and social and life skills.
The Academy partners with regional clubs all over California and beyond, to advance the game as it is played and coached at international level. We also pave a pathway to college, pro rugby, coaching or other community involvement for our kids.
We measure our success by winning the game on and off the field, with both tries and positive life habits that our kids display outside the sport.
For more information contact: Rhinos Rugby Academy