Last Wednesday AB 1316 was heard in the Assembly Education Committee. Our community showed up in person and on the phones to oppose AB 1316.
Assemblymember Patrick O'Donnell, the bill’s author theatrically spread lies about our California Charter Schools, then seemed to stumble to explain current charter school law and worse yet, the contents of his own bill, AB 1316, when he was asked questions about it by his colleagues.
The AT&T phone lines and moderator experienced major technical challenges that blocked the majority of us from being able to state our opposition to the bill.
The committee process was so infuriating that we felt we needed to file a complaint about how O’Donnell ran the meeting. You can read our submitted letter of complaint in our Grassroots Drive.
If you have not seen it already, please check out the AB 1316 Assembly Education Committee session recording!
Jennifer and Windi met online after the Assembly Education Committee hearing to discuss AB 1316 and the events of the hearing. See what they had to say!
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