September 13, 2017
10AM - Noon
$5 Per Person (will be refunded with attendance)
Arroyo Verde Park, Foothill and Day Roads, Ventura, CA 93003
Hey middle schoolers! Do you feel the call of the wild and want to join with others who feel the same way?
Meet Tracker Rob on Wednesday, Sept. 13th from 10 – noon, at Ventura’s patch of wild, Arroyo Verde Park. Tracker Rob is a veteran naturalist whose mission has been to help children connect to the natural world so that they may experience a deeper relationship with something greater than themselves so that they carry this appreciation for all life throughout their own.
Guided Curiosity invites all middle schoolers to check out our outdoor education program by going on a mini-hike with Tracker Rob and learn more what it means to be immersed in outdoor learning. Meet me, Arlene de Anda, Guided Curiosity’s founder, to learn how to liberate your children from boring school so that they can connect with their tribe every Tuesday from 10-3 at Vita Arts in Ventura for fine arts education and creative writing. Then gather again every Wednesday with Tracker Rob at Arroyo Verde Park from 9:30-5. I will share with you how to integrate your core academics on the other three days of home schooling.
Please contact Arlene de Anda at guidedcuriosity@gmail.com if you have questions. E-mail your phone number if you would rather chat by phone.
We will meet a week from this Wednesday at the picnic tables near the play structure at the back of the parking lot.
To register for this event click here