July 19, 2017
11AM - Noon
202 W 1st Street, Los Angeles
Participants must be 8 and older
Before there was Google or Facebook or Wikipedia or the World Wide Web, there were newspapers. All over the world, when people craved current events, sports updates, entertainment happenings and global news they went to their newspapers.
Join us at the historic Los Angeles Times Building, located at 1st and Spring Streets in downtown Los Angeles, for a tour of a building which opened in 1935, and at the time, was the largest building in the western U.S. designed and occupied entirely as a daily newspaper publishing operation. The Globe Lobby, one of the highlights of the Times Building includes a historical exhibit showcasing the first 100 years of The Times.
Parking: Park at 213 S Spring Parking Garage ($15). Please allow ten minutes for parking and security check-in.
GATHER IN FRONT, DO NOT ENTER LOBBY. Cafeterias at The Times are available after the tour.
Please note The Times is very specific about what is not allowed in their building:
•Battery-operated electronic devices (includes cameras and recording devices; phones and medical devices are permitted)
•Packages, cases and bags larger than 18” wide by 14” tall by 8.5” deep (includes camera bags, briefcases and stroller bags)
•Food and beverages of any kind (includes water, water containers and all pre-packaged items)
•Aerosol and non-aerosol sprays (includes mace and pepper spray; prescribed medications are permitted)
•Pointed objects, weapons, ammunition and any toys or replicas resembling such objects (pens and pencils are permitted)
Organized by: Janet Jackson, Janetj@inspireschools.org, (310) 872-9971.